EDSI Timesheet Reminder

Please complete your timesheet and all time off requests for this pay period. The deadline for completion in UKG is 10 AM, Monday.

To login to UKG to access your timesheet, please visit: https://www.edsisolutions.com/ukg-login

If you have questions about your timesheet or UKG, please submit a Zendesk ticket by using this direct link: https://edsisolutions.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.

General Reminders

  • PTO must be requested in 1 hour increments.
  • Flex should always be zero hours.

Manager and Approver Notes

  • If an employee does not complete the timesheet, please reach out to employee to complete it.
  • Please make sure all PENDING requests for this pay cycle are approved or denied before the cycle closes.