Labor Market Analysis

Labor Market Analysis is a process of examining the current job market trends, employment rates, and demand for specific skills. Knowledge is powerful, and our clients want to understand their local labor market to make more informed decisions. Our clients trust EDSI to analyze workforce trends for their regions or states, leading to better plans, and ultimately better outcomes.

Because of EDSI’s extensive experience in studying workforce patterns and trends, both on a national and local scale, we can use labor market analysis to identify in-demand skills and occupations. By leveraging this important analysis, we can work together to start building and implementing workforce and training strategies specifically aligned with the unique needs of your local area.

Sample Data Points Evaluated

  • Employment wage ranges/compensation and salaries
  • Employment percentage of working age adults
  • Industry Sectors
  • Business Details

  • Worker Demographics and education levels
  • Commute patterns
  • Market and occupational trends and forecasts
  • And more!

With our guidance and expertise, you’ll soon have the labor information you need to build an effective workforce strategy in your in your region.

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