Courses to Careers

Courses to Careers (C2C) is a program designed to identify, train and place recent college graduates who are either unemployed or underemployed. The program beneits workforce development agencies, regional employers and recent college graduates, as well as the local communities and unemployed population.

Primary Benefits for WIBs (Workforce Investment Boards)

  • Door opener to employers who historically have not worked with workforce development agencies
  • Excellent new tool for employer outreach - providing BSRs (Business Service Representatives) with opportunities to interact with employers and provide new, high-value services
  • Improves regional performance by increasing placement rates and average wage rates

Primary Benefits for Employers

  • Provides a low-cost, highly efficient pipeline of college educated talent
  • Saves the company time with recruiting efforts
  • Provides pre-trained interns for on-the-job evaluation
  • Internships can be fully or partially funded by the local workforce development agency
  • Provides college graduates with foundational career readiness skills

Primary Benefits for Participants (College Graduates)

  • Connects recent college graduates to full-time, career-appropriate job opportunities
  • Provides both internship and full-time job opportunities
  • Provides career readiness skills needed to be successful in a professional environment
  • Results in significant earnings increases

A week and a half after completing the C2C workshop, I started an internship.

Coldwell Banker Intern

It was great being face-to-face with employers and being able to showcase my potential, rather than being a resume in a stack of papers on someone's desk.

C2C Graduate - Kierstein Geary

Key Facts

  • 49% of all recent college graduates are not employed on a full-time basis
  • 13.7% of recent college graduates have low wage jobs
  • The federal government loses $5.6 billion per year due to unemployed or underemployed recent college graduates
  • 5 of 6 graduates do not have “career type” jobs arranged at graduation
  • Student loan default rates are up 327% since 2003
  • In the USA, there are over 2 million open positions that require a college degree
  • The majority of hiring managers believe college graduates are not job-ready at graduation

Program Highlights

  • Participant Recruitment
  • Job Readiness Training
  • Career Coaching
  • Networking Events
  • Internship & Full-Time Placements

Program Results

  • C2C pays the government back on its investment in just 10.3 months
  • 94% of all participants are placed into either internships or full-time positions
  • Average annual earnings increase per participant has been $29,828