WIOA - Eligible Training Provider List Requirements
Terri Kaufman
- Workforce Development Specialist
Oct 22, 2015
WIOA provides Local Workforce Development Boards (LWDBs) the opportunity to expand training and educational opportunities. The goal is to help low income individuals, dislocated workers, individuals with limited skills and barriers to employment, and youth earn industry-recognized credentials and advance in the workplace.
LWDBs now can offer more training specifically targeted for high-demand occupations or industry sectors in addition to Individual Training Accounts (ITAs). Local WDBs can now use WIOA funds to provide new training models that will lead to:
LWDBs can now use a portion of their local Title I funds for pay-for-performance contracts for specific targeted populations. They will be required to evaluate how each targeted population was selected, along with outcomes of training.
Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) Requirements
WIOA has established an Eligible Training Provider process that will help support and ensure customer choice, performance accountability and continuous improvement. States and LWDBs will identify Eligible Training Providers qualified to receive WIOA funds to train adult/dislocated workers and youth.
An Eligible Training Provider is one who has met the eligibility requirements to receive WIOA Title I Adult and Dislocated Worker funds to provide training services to eligible individuals. In order to receive WIOA funds, the training provider must meet numerous ETPL requirements and must be:
Institutions of higher education that provide training that leads to post-secondary credentials
Apprenticeship programs registered by the USDOL Office of Registered Apprenticeship
Public or private training providers, including joint labor-management organizations, pre-apprenticeship programs and occupational/technical training providers
Providers of adult education and literacy activities
All training providers will be required to meet performance outcomes and ensure accountability, quality, and labor market-relevant programs and offerings.
Training providers (both existing and new) will be required to submit an online application that includes all the documentation required by the states and LWDBs such as:
Information supporting a claim that an applicable training program leads to a post-secondary or industry-recognized credential, and a detailed description of the credential
Evidence of ability to provide services to incumbent workers and individuals with barriers to employment
Evidence of state licensure requirements and licensing status
Program completion rate for all individuals participating in applicable programs
Employment and earning outcomes
Cost of training (including supplies, books, fees)
Post-secondary credentials offered
Program costs per student by type of training
Pre-Apprenticeship Program offerings
Training providers on the ETPL will also be required to report performance outcomes. Each year they will be required to submit, at a minimum, the following:
Total number of participants enrolled in the program
Total number of participants completing the program
Entry into unsubsidized employment at second quarter after exit
Entry into unsubsidized employment at fourth quarter after exit
Median earnings
Attainment of post-secondary credentials
Measurable skills gains
Effectiveness in serving employers
All LWDBs are required to have training providers on the approved ETPL that are offering training programs aligned with their state and region in-demand occupations and sectors. They will be required to ensure training providers make all the above information available to their One-Stop Centers so eligible clients can make informed decisions on training offerings. They will be required to report performance and outcomes on training offerings, while ensuring individuals with barriers to employment are served.
Is your LWDB ready to review and advance training provider course offerings? How are you going to determine if training is meeting the needs of in-demand occupations and sectors? What steps are you taking to ensure that training services are meeting the requirements of WIOA? We are here to help you.
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