With the elimination of sequence of services, local areas and service providers now have the flexibility to target services specifically tailored to meet the needs of each individual customer.
Career Navigation is a critical service in developing and delivering successful Individual Career Services. Career Navigation Services are needed to assist an individual in developing and achieving the goals identified in their IEP. Throughout the American Job Centers, these services are provided by partner agencies, including professionals whose titles may be: Career Navigators, Career Counselors, Career Planners, and Case Managers. Individuals who provide Career Navigation Services in the centers must understand the various skills required by employers, while providing individuals with an understanding of the skills requirements, career pathways and other career opportunities.
Career Navigation Services Professionals must have and maintain specialized skill sets to provide and advise individuals on current and future jobs, and career pathways opportunities. They must understand business needs, skills and educational requirements to properly advise individuals. Career Navigation Professionals must understand the skill sets of the individual and assist them in understanding job opportunities and trainings that may be required to succeed.
Does your LWDB offer Career Navigation Services in your region? Have you developed strategies, aligned resources and offered professional development trainings for partner agencies to ensure quality service delivery? How are you going to engage these partners and determine whether these services are meeting the needs of individuals and businesses for in-demand careers? What steps are you taking to ensure that the services are being delivered in the One-Stop Center?
We are here to help you! For more information regarding WIOA and Career Pathways, please contact me at: Tkaufman@edsisolutions.com